How do you ensure safety compliance in event spaces and on amusement park rides?
Ä¢¹½tv's biomechanical, mechanical, and electrical engineers leverage their collective expertise to perform thorough investigations of entertainment venues and amusement park ride components and equipment.
We analyze accident patterns within occupational injury using accident databases, assess how individuals with disabilities enter and exit rides and how they interact with ride restraints, and quantify accident risk and injury potential related to amusement park rides. Our team can also evaluate how specific incidents occur to assess the role of design features in a specific event and to evaluate the implications associated with the design.
For 50+ years, we’ve thrived on solving unstructured problems that require bespoke solutions. Some of our services include:
• Biomechanical, mechanical, electrical, and additional engineering and scientific analyses to evaluate ride and event safety
• Amusement ride inspections
• Occupational injury patterns analysis
• Persons with disabilities use and safety assessments
• Accident and injury risk analyses
• Thermal safety evaluation
• Human factors analysis
• Evaluation of environmental and human health impacts
• Standards testing and evaluation of regulatory and OSHA compliance
• Motion sickness on an amusement ride
• Brain and eye injury potential on roller coasters
• Roller coaster rider acceleration exposure
• Human modeling and water slide rider acceleration exposure
• Swimming pool accidents
• Playground safety evaluations and pediatric injury tolerance
• Wire rope and structural failures in launched rides
• Restraint design evaluations
Our global and comprehensive expertise across industries gives us a deep understanding of current challenges, best industry practices, and the implications of emerging technologies.

Practice Director, Office Director and Principal Engineer