
Academic Credentials
  • Ph.D., Public Health Nutrition, University College Dublin (UCD), 2008
  • M.Sc., Public Health Nutrition, Trinity College, Ireland, 2005
  • B.Sc., Human Nutrition & Dietetics, Trinity College, Ireland, 2002

Dr. Hearty's background is in human nutrition and she has extensive experience in modelling dietary intake data for estimating exposure to food chemicals (including additives, flavourings and food contact material migrants), enzymes, nutrients and novel ingredients. She has strong technical knowledge and experience in applying different methodological approaches in this field, and in reviewing exposure data generated for safety assessments. 

Related to this experience, Dr. Hearty has worked extensively on submissions and notifications to regulatory authorities in the European Union and the United States.

Along with a demonstrated expertise in dietary exposure assessments, Dr. Hearty has extensive experience in managing data from international nutrition surveys and in implementing alternate methods of analyzing dietary intake data. Dr. Hearty has also previously worked with market research companies to gather and review bespoke dietary intake data in response to clients' requirements. Additionally, Dr. Hearty has experience in working with trade associations and in managing their extensive datasets to address requests from regulatory authorities.

Dr. Hearty held the position of the Dietary Intake Specialist for Intertek Scientific and Regulatory Consultancy, based in the UK for over four years. Prior to this she was Project Manager on an EU 7th-Framework funded project assessing exposure to flavourings, additives, and food contact materials (FACET) involving 20 partners across the EU. She has previously been invited to participate in the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) working groups on Food Additive and Nutrient Sources (ANS) and Food Consumption and Exposure assessment (FCE WG), where she made significant contributions to developments in this area.