- Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 2007
- M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 2004
- B.S., Electrical Engineering / Computer Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 2001
- Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (CFEI)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- National Association of Fire Investigators (NAFI)
Dr. Vasquez has a diverse area of expertise in electrical engineering and computer science. His research includes magnetic materials, sensor and actuator design, and algorithms and data structures. He is an expert in manufacturing, product safety, incident inspections, and failure analysis. He has advised corporate leaders and regulators in various industries including consumer electronics, consumer appliances, medical devices, electric vehicles, precision agriculture, and food processing.
Dr. Vasquez has significant experience of failure analysis of consumer electronics, consumer appliance, medical devices, and mobility devices. Analysis includes MLB and other electrical system failures, battery related failures, analysis on sensor and actuator component failures, analysis of noise related failures, analysis of failures due to corrosion, fracture or delamination.
Dr. Vasquez has performed manufacturing and safety audits at MEMS and semiconductor processing and packaging plants, consumer electronics and consumer appliance manufacturing, electric vehicle assembly, battery and pack manufacturing, and wood treatment and flooring manufacturing.
Dr. Vasquez has performed on-site fire and explosion investigations across Asia including China, Japan, Malaysia, Australia, New Zeeland, and India. These include post thermal runaway investigations of micro mobility devices, 2-wheel and 4-wheel electric vehicles, consumer electronics, and consumer appliances. He has also been involved in post fire and post explosion investigations at residential sites and manufacturing and device test facilities.
Dr. Vasquez has significant experience in ESD protection design and testing at both the component and device level. He has experience in modeling for both system level (IEC EN 61000-4), and device level protection (HBM, CDM). He has developed ESD protection solutions in consumer electronics and accessories, medical devices, and LED modules. He has also performed product EMI failure analysis in precision sensors for heavy equipment manufacturers.
Dr. Vasquez has developed technologies used in MEMS magnetometers including patented work in anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) MEMS magnetometers. He has a strong background in MEMS and semiconductor manufacturing processes. He has worked as a technical expert in semiconductor manufacturing trade-secret disputes and disputes related to best design practices for resonator circuits.
Dr. Vasquez has experience in product development for inertial sensors including 6 DOF gyro- compensated tilt sensors and 9 DOF inertial measurement units (IMU) and attitude heading and reference systems (AHRS).
Daniel's recent insights