- B.S., Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 1980
- Professional Engineer Civil, California, #53661
- Member of the U.S. Green Building Council
- American Society of Civil Engineers
- American Bar Association - Forum on Construction Law
Ms. Martini has more than 30 years of experience in the management of projects throughout their lifecycle, advising clients on risk management, project controls and dispute avoidance, and assisting with construction claim development, analysis, defense and resolution. She has scheduled and managed a variety of construction projects, from high rise and hospital construction to the reconstruction of the world's largest wind tunnel for NASA at Ames Research Center in California and the Cable Car Rehabilitation Project in San Francisco.
Ms. Martini's project advisory and dispute resolution experience is similarly broad, ranging from airports, highway interchanges, mass transit and sports venues to mines, solar plants, LNG plants and detention facilities. She has testified as an expert at arbitration and trial and assisted in numerous successful settlement negotiations and mediation.
Oil & Gas/Energy/Mining
Managed the Ä¢¹½tv team that audited the design, procurement and management performance of an EPCM contractor on a large LNG plant development project located on an island in Australia on behalf of a major oil and gas company.
Analyzed an EP contractor's performance in a Vietnamese polymetallic mine development project, and managed the preparation of expert reports regarding the contractor's performance of project management, estimating, and mechanical, piping, electrical, instrumentation and structural design in its defense of claims by the project owner.
On a nuclear reactor construction project, evaluated a large number of engineering and design change requests claimed by a design build contractor as being regulatory-driven and therefore the owner's responsibility. Found that the claim was unsupported, and that the requests were almost entirely due to the contractor's errors or to ease fabrication.
Assisted a pipeline company in analyzing and refuting a contractor's claim that delay, lost productivity and cost overruns on a $56m gas pipeline in West Virginia were the owner's responsibility, and testified at trial.
Evaluated and rebutted a pipeline contractor's claim that delays and almost $20M in added costs on a 133-mile 42" natural gas pipeline though eastern Oregon and Nevada resulted from the actions of the archaeological consultant.
Assisted an oil company in analyzing delay, loss of productivity and quantum related to a refinery expansion project in the Middle East.Transportation
Assisted a design build joint venture with preparation of a request for equitable adjustment regarding design changes, delay, acceleration, lost productivity and additional management and supervision costs on a ten mile heavy rail rapid transit project extension.
Assisted a design-build subcontractor with preparation and presentation of a claim for increased design requirements and resultant added costs on a people mover project for a regional transit agency.
Evaluated a regional transportation authority's processes and organization related to the cost, schedule, procurement, risk management, and financial management of a major construction program valued at several billion dollars.
Assessed and recommended mitigation of risks related to project controls, soft cost expenditures, third parties coordination, planning, funding, and budgeting for future phases, operations, and maintenance costs for a major rail transit project expansion program.
On a state highway project where a contractor failed to complete the work, analyzed the contractor's claim for delay and damages, demonstrating that the claim was overstated and unsupported, and evaluated the State's cost to complete the work.
Analyzed delays and resultant damages on the construction of a major interstate highway interchange, assisting a state government in refuting claims by a joint venture contractor and achieving an outstanding settlement for the state.
Analyzed two years of delay and resultant damages on an international airport terminal replacement project for a state attorney general, finding that delays and tens of millions in damages were largely the result of errors and omissions in the structural engineering design.
On a bridge replacement project, evaluated the designer's construction management performance, the Contractor's performance of its management duties, and the clarity of the contract documents regarding scope.
Managed an on-call claims and scheduling contract for a state department of transportation, managing staff assigned to projects and the department's district claims office.
On a rapid transit expansion project, assisted a government agency in evaluating claims put forth by a design-build contractor that suffered delays due to right-of-way and environmental issues.
Provided expert testimony regarding a contractor's productivity and damages calculations on a light rail expansion project.
Analyzed contractor's claim for delay, extended overhead, inefficiency and increased hauling costs due to contaminated soil on a road construction project.
Performed schedule, entitlement and cost analysis of contractor's claim for delay, extended jobsite and home office overhead, increased scope, and idle equipment costs on a sewer and street reconstruction project.
Analyzed delay to a major water pipeline project in the wake of a gasline explosion on the project and assisted the utility in settling claims.
Evaluated a claim for alleged delay and disputed change orders by the general contractor for the reconstruction of two clearwells at a water purification plant.
Assisted a utility district in evaluating claims for delay and disruption on a major water tunnel construction project.
Provided schedule and cost control, change order negotiation and assessment of delays and impact to the completion of a major hospital expansion.
Provided claims management assistance to the public owner during the construction of a new county hospital on an existing campus.
Assisted a state department of education by assessing its practices related to planning, design, and construction of major capital projects and maintenance and repair for school facilities statewide.
Evaluated a large private school's practices related to planning, design, and construction on its various campuses and for its extensive real estate investments.
Assisted a public agency in negotiating change order requests with design/build contractor after completion of a project to add seating, luxury boxes, clubs and other amenities to a stadium.
Evaluated a contractor's cost proposal to accelerate reconstruction of an indoor arena, which was gutted and rebuilt to allow for luxury boxes and additional seating. After project completion, assisted in negotiating change order requests.
Evaluated a contractor's claim for delay and impact in Phases 1 and 2 of the reconstruction of a public housing project. After successful resolution, assisted authority with resolving disputes on Phase 3 of the same project.
Assisted a housing authority in the analysis and settlement of a delay, inefficiency, and damages claim on a project to construct 134 new and architecturally significant residential units.
Evaluated the causes of delay on a high-security detention facility expansion project where the general contractor had been terminated almost a year after its adjusted contract completion date. Testified at arbitration.
Managed scheduling, cost control, estimating, value engineering, and architect's design effort for a university computer science building.
Managed design phase scheduling, cost control, estimating, value engineering and constructability reviews and assisted a county agency in developing a master budget and cost control system for a new social services building.
Assisted a university student association with architect selection and managed programming, master planning, schematic design and estimating for the renovation and expansion of four buildings.
Assisted a university with the summertime renovation of a student housing facility containing a central plant, kitchen and dining facilities, laundry, music, lounge, and library space.
Managed asbestos and lead abatement, major mechanical system upgrades, and renovation of World War II era warehouse space, which remained operational as a postal service processing facility during construction, into Federal agency offices.
Scheduled the construction of a high-rise office building for a general contractor, including evaluating the impact of change orders.
Quantified and evaluated causes of delay to the fast-track, multiple-prime contract construction of a Class 1 semiconductor fabrication facility.
Assisted a technology company with assessment and improvement of its construction processes and associated risks for ongoing projects in India.
Quantified and determined the causes for schedule slippage, cost overruns, and revenue shortfalls by a major telecommunications company on a contract to provide broadband network systems to a local service provider, focusing on hardware and software design and production, purchase of components, construction scope, cost/price issues, and profitability goals.
Assisted a technology company with a major multi-phased campus expansion by assessing costs of base building and tenant improvement work, evaluating rent calculations by developer and suggesting process improvements.
Evaluated a technology company's practices for design and construction of new facilities. Made recommendations as to improvements that would result in reduced cost and better accountability.
Managed and scheduled the multiple prime contractors in the reconstruction and upgrading of the world's largest wind tunnel in the wake of a catastrophic failure that occurred during testing of a previous upgrade.Lifschitz J, Martini D, Fraher L. Effective presentation of the forensic schedule analysis. The Construction Lawyer, Journal of the ABA Forum on Construction Law, Volume 36, Number 1, Winter 2016
Martini D. Bracing for construction claims during a slow economic recovery. San Francisco, Sacramento, 2010.
Martini D. Enhancing your understanding of value in distressed projects. The Construction Superconference, San Francisco, 2010.
Martini D. All the risk but not all the reward: An owner's perspective on multiple prime contracting. Community College Facility Coalition Conference, Sacramento, CA, 2010.
Martini D. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and international construction. The Construction Superconference, San Francisco, 2008.
Martini D. Controlling project uncertainty and cost through smart contracting practices. Community College Facility Coalition Conference, Sacramento, CA, 2007.
Martini D. Acceleration, delays and loss of efficiency claims. Groundbreaking Women in Construction Conference, San Francisco, 2007.
Martini D. What is the cost of delay? Determining quantum. Pacific Business & Law Institute, Vancouver, BC, 2007.
Martini D. Lessons learned: Project schedules. American Bar Association Forum on the Construction Industry Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2007.
Martini D. Evaluation and resolution of delay and extra work claims. Lorman Educational Services, 2006, 2007, 2008.
Martini D. Cost and schedule analysis, claims evaluation and resolution. Construction Management Association of America, 2006, 2007.
Martini D. Construction project management skills. Lorman Educational Services, 2006, 2007.
Martini D. Defensive contracting: Protecting your company against adverse claims and the loss of your claim rights. Groundbreaking Women in Construction Conference, Los Angeles, 2005.
Martini D. Using construction project documents in claims analysis. San Francisco Bar Association, 2005.
Martini D. Planning to succeed. The Construction Superconference, San Francisco, 2003.
Martini D. Comparing schedule analysis techniques. The Construction Superconference, San Francisco, 2002.