- M.P.H., Public Health, Boston University, 1992
- B.S., Clinical Psychology, Tufts University, 1986
- Alameda County Bar Association (ACBA), Member of Executive Environmental Committee, 2017 to Present
- Genetic and Environmental Toxicology Association (GETA)
- Groundwater Resources Association (GRA)
- Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC). Author, PFAS Regulation, Toxicity, and Risk Assessment
- Society for Risk Analysis (SRA)
- Women in Environment (WIE), Mentor – 2019 Mentoring Program
Ms. Caviness has over 25 years of professional experience in the environmental field and human health risk assessment. Specific areas of emphasis include risk-based property assessment, vapor intrusion, air toxics, estimation of exposure to chemicals in consumer products, strategic risk management planning, and risk communication.
She has managed or performed human health risk assessments for over 300 contaminated sites. These assessments included evaluation of a wide range of contaminants, media, and exposure pathways at Sites situated in different geographical locations and environmental settings.
Ms. Caviness specializes in polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins, pesticides, and chlorinated solvents, including tetrachloroethylene (PCE), trichloroethylene (TCE), and vinyl chloride. As a member of the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) team, Ms. Caviness led preparation of monthly updates of ITRC tables that summarize state and federal standards and guidance values for PFAS in water and soil.
Ms. Caviness' expertise also includes conducting and directing studies to assess potential exposures associated with vapor intrusion of chemicals into indoor air. She has performed risk assessments, soil vapor modeling, and has applied multiple lines of evidence to support vapor intrusion analyses and develop risk management strategies at numerous sites. She has designed and implemented indoor air monitoring plans to evaluate potential vapor intrusion into buildings and support source identification and attribution studies.
Ms. Caviness has also managed and performed air toxics human health risk evaluations of emissions from multiple facilities in support of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) analyses and the California Air Toxics Hot Spots Program (AB-2588). Facilities evaluated include universities, airports, manufacturing facilities, and mining operations.
Further, she has conducted numerous exposure assessments associated with use of consumer products and analyzed results for compliance with California's Proposition 65. Services have included deriving and critically evaluating No Significant Risk Levels (NSRLs) and Maximum Allowable Dose Levels (MADLs), designing exposure simulation and analytical test protocols and providing support for litigation and negotiations.
Ms. Caviness has also prepared risk communication materials for numerous clients; these materials have been used to communicate and interpret the results of human health risk assessments to the public, client corporate and internal staff, and public relations firms. She frequently interacts with state and federal regulatory agencies and has provided risk communication training to a California regulatory agency. She presents technical information at client/agency and stakeholder meetings and has provided risk communication support for clients at public hearings and community meetings.