- Dr.P.H., Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Yale University, 1987
- M.P.H., Biostatistics, Yale University, 1979
- B.S., Mathematics, Emmanuel College, 1965
- SOT 2005 Award "Outstanding Published Paper Demonstrating an Application of Risk Assessment"
- Society for Epidemiologic Research
- Society of Risk Analysis
- American College of Epidemiology
Dr. Teta has over 40 years of experience in chronic disease epidemiology, particularly occupational and environmental epidemiology studies; regulatory risk assessment for cancer endpoints; and risk communication to the media and public. In addition, she has expertise in EPA/OSHA/NTP regulatory issues related to chemicals.
Dr. Teta has served on numerous scientific advisory boards including those of ATSDR, EPA, The Mickey Leland Center, and the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis. She was also an Adjunct Associate Professor of Epidemiology in the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the University of Massachusetts.
Prior to joining Ä¢¹½tv, Dr. Teta was the Director of Epidemiology, Health Information, Risk Assessment, and TSCA for Union Carbide Corporation, managing epidemiology program planning and implementation, design, management, and communication of studies to employees, and providing consultation to businesses and manufacturing sites. Dr. Teta received a Doctorate in epidemiology and a Masters of Public Health in biostatistics from Yale University.
Jane's recent insights
Chang ET, Lau E, Mowat FS, Teta MJ. 2017. Therapeutic radiation for lymphoma and risk of secondary primary malignant mesothelioma. Cancer Causes Control 28:971-979.
Garabrant DH, Alexander D, Miller P, Fryzek J, Boffetta P, Teta MJ, Hessel PA, Craven VA, Kelsh M, Goodman M. Mesothelioma among motor vehicle mechanics: An updated review and meta-analysis. Ann Occup Hyg 2016; 60(1):8-26.
Garabrant DH, DD Alexander, PE Miller, JP Fryzek, P Boffetta, MJ Teta, PA Hessel, VA Craven, MA Kelsh, and M Goodman. Response to Kay Teschke. Re: Mesothelioma among motor vehicle mechanics: An updated review and meta-analysis. Ann Occup Hyg 2016 [E-pub ahead of print].
Garabrant DH, Alexander DD, Miller PE, Fryzek JP, Boffetta P, Teta MJ, Hessel PA, Craven VA, Kelsh MA, Goodman M. Mesothelioma among motor vehicle mechanics: An updated review and meta-analysis. Ann Occup Hyg 2015; 1-19. doi:10.1093/annhyg/mev060
Teta MJ. Mesothelioma in Connnecticut friction plant: The need for transparency and exposure information in attribution of risk. Letter to the editor. Ann Occup Hyg 2011; 55(7): 817-819.
Valdez-Flores C, Sielken RL, Teta MJ. Quantitative risk assessment for ethylene oxide inhalation in occupational settings. Archives of Toxicology 2011 Oct; 85(10):1189-1193.
Valdez-Flores C, Sielken RL, Teta MJ. Quantitative risk assessment based on NIOSH and UCC epidemiologic data for workers exposed to ethylene oxide. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2010; 56:312-320.
Teta MJ, Wagner ME. Comments on DeBruin et al: consistency and synergy. Letter to the editor. Blood 2009 Aug; 114(9).Swaen GMH, Burns C, Teta MJ, Bodner K, Keenan D, Bodnar CM. Mortality study update of ethylene oxide workers in chemical manufacturing: A 15 year update. JOEM 2009; 51:714-723.
Teta MJ, Mink PJ, Lau E, Sceurman BK, Foster ED. U.S. mesothelioma patterns 1973-2002: Indicators of change and insights into background rates. Eur J Cancer Prev 2008; 17:525-534.
Kelsh MA, Craven VA, Teta MJ, Mowat FS, Goodman, M. Mesothelioma in vehicle mechanics: Is the risk different for Australians? Occup Med 2007; 57:581-589.
Teta MJ, Lau E, Sceurman BK, Wagner ME. Therapeutic radiation for lymphoma: Risk of malignant mesothelioma. Cancer 2007; 1432-1438.
Sielken RL, Valdez-Flores C, Gargas ML, Kirman CR, Teta MJ, Delzell E. Cancer risk assessment for 1,3-butadiene: Dose-response modeling from an epidemiologic perspective. Chem-Biol Interact 2007; 166:140-149.
Li AA, Mink PJ, McIntosh LJ, Teta MJ, Finley B. Reply: Endotoxin, a possible agent in the causation of Parkinson's disease. [Letter/Response]. J Occup Environ Med 2006; 48:655-656.
LaVerda N, Teta MJ. Letter to the Editor. Re: "Reporting participation in epidemiologic studies: A survey of practice." Am J Epidemiol 2006; 164:292.
Li AA, Mink P, Mcintosh, LJ, Teta M, Finley B. Evaluation of epidemiologic and animal data associating pesticides with Parkinson's Disease. J Occup Environ Med 2005; 47(10):1059-1087.
Hessel P, Teta MJ, Goodman M, Lau E. Mesothelioma among brake mechanics: An expanded analysis of a case-control study. Risk Anal 2004; 24:547-552.
Teta MJ. Letter to the Editor. Re: "Asbestos in brakes: Exposure and risk of disease." Am J Indust Med 2004; 46:312-314.
Teta MJ, Tran N, Mink PJ, Barraj LM. Validity of using background leukemia incidence rates with cohort mortality-based potency estimates to calculate excess lifetime risk. Hum Ecol Risk Assess 2004; 10:923-938.
Kirman CR, Sweeney LM, Teta MJ, Sielken RL, Valdez-Flora C, Albertini RJ, Gargas ML. Addressing nonlinearity in the exposure-response relationship for a genotoxic carcinogen: Cancer potency estimates for ethylene oxide. Risk Anal 2004; 24:1165-1183.
Goodman M, Teta MJ, Hessel P, Garabrant DH, Craven V, Scrafford CG, Kelsh MA. Mesothelioma and lung cancer among motor vehicle mechanics: A meta-analysis. Ann Occup Hyg 2004; 48:309-326.
Henry CJ, Phillips R, Carpanini F, Corton JC, Craig K, Igarashi K, Leboeuf R, Marchant G, Osborn K, Pennie WD, Smith LL, Teta MJ, Vu V. Use of genomics in toxicology and epidemiology: Findings and recommendations of a workshop. Environ Health Perspect 2002; 110:1047-1050.
Mundt KA, Zorn M, Pastides H, Teta MJ. Cohort mortality study of Union Carbide Texas City employees: 1941-1944. Am J Epidemiol 2001; 153:(Abstract). Congress of Epidemiology, Toronto, Canada, June 13-16, 2001.
Pastides H, Zorn MW, Mundt KA, Teta MJ. Update of mortality among Union Carbide Corporation chemical workers in the Kanawha Valley of West Virginia. Am J Epidemiol 2001; 153(Abstract). Congress of Epidemiology, Toronto, Canada, June 13-16, 2001.
Teta MJ, Sielken RL, Valdez-Flores C. Ethylene oxide cancer risk assessment based on epidemiologic data: Application of revised regulatory guidelines. Risk Anal 1999; 19:1135-1155.
Lucas LJ, Teta MJ. Letter to the Editor. Re: "Breast cancer and ethylene oxide exposure." Int J Epidemiol 1996; 25:685-686.
Olsen G, Lucas L, Teta J. Letter to the Editor. Re: "Ethylene oxide exposure and risk of spontaneous abortion, preterm birth, and postterm birth." Epidemiology 1996; 8:465-466.
Dell LD, Teta MJ. Mortality among workers at a plastics manufacturing and research and development facility: 1946-1988. Am J Indust Med 1995; 28:373-384.
Teta MJ, Avashia BP, Cawley TJ, Yamin AT. Absence of sensitizations and cancer increases among glutaraldehyde workers. Toxic Subst Mech 1995;14:293-305.
Blair A, Burg J, Foran J, Gibb H, Greenland S, Morris R, Raabe G, Savitz D, Teta J, Wartenberg D, Wong O, Zimmerman R. Guidelines for the application of meta-analysis in environmental epidemiology. Regulat Toxicol Pharmacol 1995; 22:189-197.
Acquavella JF, Raube G, Teta MJ, Chase, GR. Letter to the Editor. Re: "Disclosure of interest: A time for clarity." Am J Indust Med 1995; 28:609-610.
Teta MJ. Epidemiology in occupational health risk assessment. In: Chemical Risk Assessment And Occupational Health. Smith CM, Christiani DC, Kelsey KT (eds). Auburn House, Westport, CT, 1994.
Collins JJ, Ramlow JM, Teta MJ. Letter to the Editor. Re: "Respiratory and irritant health effects of ambient volatile organic compounds: The Kanawha Valley County Health Study." Am J Epidemiol 1994; 140:72-73.
Teta MJ, Benson LO, Vitale JN. Mortality study of ethylene oxide workers in chemical manufacturing: A ten year update. Br J Indust Med 1993; 50:704-709.
Benson LO, Teta MJ. Mortality due to pancreatic and lymphopoietic cancers in chlorohydrin production workers. Br J Indust Med 1993; 50:710-716.
Selenskas SL, Teta MJ, Vitale JN. Pancreatic cancer among workers processing synthetic resins. Am J Indust Med 1995; 28:385-398. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Epidemiologic Research, Keystone, CO, June 1993.
Teta MJ, Perlman GD, Ott MG. Mortality study of ethanol and isopropanol production workers at two facilities. Scand J Work Environ Health 1992; 18:90-96.
Teta MJ, Ott MG, Schnatter AR. An update of mortality due to brain neoplasms and other causes among employees of a petrochemical facility. J Occup Med 1991; 33:45-51.
Van Mynen R, Teta MJ, Tyler TR. Scientific approach to risk assessment. Environ Carcinogen Rev 1990-91, C8(2):253-265.
Teta MJ, Schnatter AR, Ott MG, Pell S. Mortality surveillance in a large chemical company: The Union Carbide Corporation experience, 1974-1983. Am J Indust Med 1990; 17:435-447.
Ashby J, Doerrer NG, Teta MJ, et al. A scheme for classifying carcinogens. Regulat Toxicol Pharmacol 1990; 12:270-295.
Byrne JM, Steinhorn SC, Teta MJ, et al. Marriage and divorce after childhood and adolescent cancer. JAMA 1989; 262:2693-2699.
Teta MJ. Socioeconomic sequelae of childhood cancer survival. In: Work and Illness: The Cancer Patient. Barofsky I (ed), Praeger Publishers, New York, 1989.
Teta MJ. Letter to the Editor. Re: "Influence of design characteristics on the outcome of retrospective cohort studies." Br J Indust Med 1989; 46:591.
Ott MG, Teta MJ, Greenberg HL. Assessment of exposure to chemicals in a complex work environment. Am J Indust Med 1989; 16:617-630.
Ott MG, Teta MJ, Greenberg HL. Lymphatic and hematopoietic tissue cancer in a chemical manufacturing environment. Am J Indust Med 1989; 16:631-643.
Teta MJ, Ott MG. A mortality study of a research, engineering and metal fabrication facility in Western New York State. Am J Epidemiol 1988; 127:540-51. Presented at the V International Symposium, Epidemiology in Occupational Health, Los Angeles, CA, September 1986.
Mulvihill JJ, Myers MH, Teta MJ, et al. Cancer in offspring of long-time survivors of childhood and adolescent cancer. Lancet 1987; 10 October:813-817.
Byrne JM, Mulvihill JJ, Teta MJ, et al. Effects of treatment on fertility in long-term survivors of childhood and adolescent cancer. N Engl J Med 1987; 317:1315-1321.
Dupree EA, Cragle DL, McLain RW, Crawford-Brown DJ, Teta MJ. Mortality among workers at a uranium processing facility: Linde Air Products Company Ceramics Plant, 1943-1949. Scand J Work Environ Health 1987; 13:100-107.
Teta MJ, Ott MG, Schnatter AR. Population-based mortality surveillance in carbon products manufacturing facilities. Br J Indust Med 1987; 44:344-350.
Teta MJ, Del Po MC, Kasl SV, et al. Psychosocial consequences of childhood cancer survival. J Chron Dis 1986; 39:751-759. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Epidemiologic Research, Houston, Texas, June 13, 1984.
Teta MJ, Lewinsohn HC, Meigs JW, et al. Occupational asbestos exposure and mesothelioma in Connecticut (abstract). p. 249. In: Occupational Lung Disease. Brooks SM, Gee JBL, Morgan WKS (eds). Raven Press, New York, 1984. Presented at the International Conference on Occupational Lung Disease, Chicago, IL, April 1982.
Teta MJ, Walrath J, Meigs JW, White C, Flannery J. Cancer incidence among cosmetologists. J Nat Cancer Inst 1984; 72(5):1051-1058. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Epidemiologic Research, Winnipeg, Canada, June 1983.
Teta MJ, Lewinsohn, HC, Meigs JW, et al. Mesothelioma in Connecticut 1955-1977: Occupational and geographic associations. J Occup Med 1983; 25:749-756.
Lewinsohn HC, Meigs JW, Teta MJ, Flannery JT. The influence of occupational and environmental asbestos exposure on and the incidence of mesothelioma in Connecticut. Biol Effects of Mineral Fibers 1980; 30:655-660.
Selected Invited Presentations
Teta MJ. The epidemiology of ethylene oxide: Implications for risk assessment. European Commission Scientific Committee on Occupational Exposure Limits (SCOEL), Teleconference December 16, 2010.
Teta MJ. The epidemiology of ethylene oxide: Implications for risk assessment. The Toxicology Forum, 32nd Annual Summer Meeting Given Institute, Aspen, CO, July 13, 2006.
Teta MJ. Validity of using background leukemia incidence rates with cohort mortality-based potency estimates to calculate excess lifetime risk. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, December 2003.
Teta MJ (plenary session chair). International Agency for Research on Cancer Workshop on Mechanistic Considerations in the Molecular Epidemiology of Cancer. Lyon, France, November 17, 2001.
Teta MJ. Industry's role and responsibility in community environmental health. American Industrial Hygiene Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, May 2000.
Teta MJ. Ethylene oxide cancer risk assessment: Utility of data for classification and setting occupational exposure limits. 6th International Symposium, Epidemiology and Occupational Risks, Graz, Austria, April 1998.
Teta MJ. Studies of biomarkers in humans — Epidemiological principles to avoid toxicological pitfalls. IBC's Environmental Health Forum: Characterizing Human Risk, Washington, DC, May 1998.
Teta MJ. The environmental endocrine issue. Texas Chemical Council, Houston, TX, May 1997.
Teta MJ. Ethylene oxide epidemiology: Implications for cancer risk assessment. The Toxicology Forum, Washington, DC, February 1997; Society for Risk Analysis, Washington, DC, December 1997.
Teta MJ. Epidemiology in risk assessment. Harvard Center for Risk Analysis, Boston, MA, September 1996.
Teta MJ. Impact of hormonally active chemicals on reproductive cancers and performance. Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association, Miami, FL, December 1996.
Teta MJ. Public health effects of risk-based policies. C&E News Conference, Risk Issues and the Chemical Industry, Washington, DC, April 1995.
Teta MJ. Cancer risks of ethylene oxide. American College of Occupational Medicine, Washington, DC, May 1992.
Teta MJ. Epidemiology in occupational health risk assessment. Symposium on Occupational Health Risk Assessment: Directions for the 90's, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, May 1992.
Teta MJ. Use of human data in quantitative risk assessment. Cancer Epidemiology Seminar, The Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation, University of Toronto, April 1991.
Teta MJ. The epidemiology of chemists and the chemical industry. Council for Chemical Research, Midland, MI, October 1991.
Teta MJ. Coexistence of business and society: The Chemical Industry's Perspective. Keynote Address, Ohio University Southern Campus, Ironton, OH, January 1990.
Teta MJ. The evolving role of the industrial epidemiologist in the U.S. Royal Society of Medicine, London, October 1988.
Teta MJ. Reproductive surveillance in an industrial setting. Organization Resources Counselors and the American Occupational Medical Society, Washington, DC, February 1988.
EPA: Consultant to the Scientific Advisory Board, 1999-2005
Adjunct Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of Massachusetts, 1993
Director of Epidemiology, Health Information, Risk Assessment and TSCA, Union Carbide Corporation, 1988-2001
Corporate Epidemiologist, Union Carbide Corporation, 1983-1988
Associate in Research, Yale University School of Medicine, 1979-1983
Mathematics Instructor, University of Connecticut, E.O. Smith High School, Storrs, Connecticut/Mattatuck Community College, 1965-1968