
Academic Credentials
  • Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2015
  • M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2010
  • B.S., Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Iran, 2008
Licenses & Certifications
  • Professional Engineer, #L6992
  • Professional Engineer, Alberta, #295256
  • Professional Engineer Civil, British Columbia, #56865
  • Professional Engineer, Colorado, #65364
  • Professional Engineer, Florida, #94973
  • Professional Engineer Civil, Louisiana, #PE.0047294
  • Professional Engineer, Manitoba, #47790
  • Professional Engineer, Mississippi, #35905
  • Professional Engineer, Ontario, #100227380
  • Professional Engineer, Saskatchewan, #75314
  • Professional Engineer Civil, Texas, #132762
  • American Welding Society Certified Welding Inspector (CWI)
Professional Honors
  • Henry O. Fuchs Award, SAE International, 2016
Professional Affiliations
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
  • ASCE 11-28 Structural Condition Assessment of Existing Buildings Committee
  • Committee of Forensic Investigation, ASCE Forensic Engineering Division
  • SAE International Fatigue Design and Evaluation Committee
  • Structural Extreme Events Reconnaissance (StEER) Network

Dr. Ghahremani is a licensed Professional Engineer in the United States and Canada. His expertise includes design, condition assessment, strengthening, and forensic failure investigations of buildings and structures, fatigue and fracture of welded connections and complex structures, as well as vibration consulting. Dr. Ghahremani is skilled in utilizing structural health monitoring and advanced 3D imaging techniques, including photogrammetry and laser scanning, to detect, monitor, and establish threshold levels for structural damage in a variety of structural systems. He has designed and evaluated residential and commercial structures and has assessed structural damage due to wind, fire, ground settlement, water intrusion, excessive vibration, and material aging and degradation.

Dr. Ghahremani has conducted hundreds of on-site surveys investigating performance issues related to framing and cladding for various types of buildings and structures. He addresses problems associated with design, construction materials, means and methods of construction, construction failures, application of codes and standards, repair methodologies, and cost of repairs. He has performed field surveys of damage caused by Hurricanes Harvey, Laura, Delta, Ida, Ian, Nicole, and Beryl that affected the U.S. Gulf and Atlantic Coasts.

As part of his doctoral research, Dr. Ghahremani investigated the fatigue performance, assessment, and retrofitting of existing steel bridges and structures in the long-life regime. He conducted small and large-scale experimental programs, performed fracture mechanics and finite element simulation studies, and developed a methodology for in-service fatigue analysis of structural welds. During his post-doctoral fellowship, Dr. Ghahremani developed a methodology for vision-based structural damage detection and finite element model updating using photogrammetry and point cloud analysis.