Scrafford, C.G., Davis, B.J.K., Higgins, K.A., Moynihan, E., Morris-Schaffer, K., Anderson, M., Rackl, S.M., Hearon, S. and Davis, D., 2025. Estimated Long-Term Dietary Exposure to Cadmium from Consumption of Spinach in the United States: A Probabilistic Assessment. Food and Chemical Toxicology, p.115269.
Morris-Schaffer, K., Higgins, L., Kocabas, N.A., Faulhammer, F., Cordova, A., Freeman, E., Kamp, H., Nahar, M., Richmond, E. and Rooseboom, M., 2025. A weight of evidence review on the mode of action, adversity, and the human relevance of xylene's observed thyroid effects in rats. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, pp.1-26.
Faulhammer, F., Rooseboom, M., Kocabas, N.A., Arts, J.H., Cordova, A., Freeman, E., Higgins, L.G., Nahar, M., Richmond, E., Schneider, S. and Morris-Schaffer, K., 2024. Xylene: weight of evidence approach case study to determine the need for an extended one generation reproductive study with a developmental neurotoxicity animal cohort. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 54(10), pp.925-952.
Kalmes, R.M., Donnell, M.T., Morris‐Schaffer, K. and Scrafford, C.G., 2024. Proposition 65 and Exposure Assessment Methods. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: Theory and Practice, 1, pp.571-581.
Moser, V.C., Morris-Schaffer, K., Richardson, J.R. and Li, A.A., 2022. Glyphosate and neurological outcomes: A systematic literature review of animal studies. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B, 25(4), pp.162-209.
Allen, J.L., Klocke, C., Morris‐Schaffer, K., Conrad, K., Sobolewski, M. and Cory‐Slechta, D.A., 2022. Air Pollution and Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Toxicology of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials in Human, Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems, pp.237-275.
Miller-Rhodes, P., Piazza, N., Mattle, A., Teboul, E., Ehmann, M., Morris-Schaffer, K. and Markowski, V.P. Sex-specific behavioral impairments produced by neonatal exposure to MK-801 are partially reversed by adolescent CDPPB treatment. Neurotoxicology and teratology, 2022, 89, p.107053.
Morris-Schaffer, K and McCoy, MJ. "A Review of the LD50 and Its Current Role in Hazard Communication." ACS Chemical Health & Safety. 2021. 28:1, 25-33.
Edwards CM, Small D, Bell T, David-Drori J, Hansen C, Morris-Schaffer K, Canale C, Ng J, Markowski VP. Early postnatal decabromodiphenyl ether exposure reduces thyroid hormone and astrocyte density in the juvenile mouse dentate gyrus. Physiology & Behavior. 2020. 216:112798.
Jew, K, Herr, D, Wong, C, Kennell, A, Morris-Schaffer, K, Oberdörster, G, O'Banion, K, Cory-Slechta, DA, and Elder, A. Selective memory and behavioral alterations after ambient ultrafine particulate matter exposure in aged 3xTgAD Alzheimer's disease mice. Particle & Fibre Toxicology 2020 16:45
Morris-Schaffer K, Merrill AK, Jew K, Wong C, Conrad K, Harvey K, Marvin E, Sobolewski M, Oberdörster G, Elder A, Cory-Slechta DA: Effects of neonatal inhalation exposure to ultrafine carbon particles on pathology and behavioral outcomes in C57BL/6J mice. Particle & Fibre Toxicology 2019. 16:10.
Morris-Schaffer K, Merrill A, Wong C, Jew K, Sobolewski M, Cory-Slechta D: Limited developmental neurotoxicity from neonatal inhalation exposure to diesel exhaust particles in C57BL/6 mice. Particle & Fibre Toxicology 2019, 16:1.
Morris-Schaffer K, Sobolewski M, Welle K, Conrad K, Yee M, O'Reilly MA, Cory-Slechta DA: Cognitive flexibility deficits in male mice exposed to neonatal hyperoxia followed by concentrated ambient ultrafine particles. Neurotoxicol Teratol 2018, 70:51-59.
Sobolewski, M, Anderson, T, Conrad, K, Marvin, E, Klocke, C, Morris-Schaffer, K, Cory-Slechta, DA. Developmental Exposures to Ultrafine Particle Air Pollution Reduces Early Testosterone Levels and Adult Male Social Novelty Preference: Risk for Children's Sex-Biased Neurobehavioral Disorders. NeuroToxicology 2018, 68:203-211
Morris-Schaffer K, Sobolewski M, Allen JL, Marvin E, Yee M, Arora M, O'Reilly MA, Cory-Slechta DA: Effect of neonatal hyperoxia followed by concentrated ambient ultrafine particle exposure on cumulative learning in C57Bl/6J mice. NeuroToxicology 2018, 67:234-244.
Allen JL, Oberdorster G, Morris-Schaffer K, Wong C, Klocke C, Sobolewski M, Conrad K, Mayer-Proschel M, Cory-Slechta DA: Developmental neurotoxicity of inhaled ambient ultrafine particle air pollution: Parallels with neuropathological and behavioral features of autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. NeuroToxicology 2017, 59:140-154.
Allen, JL, Klocke, C., Morris-Schaffer, K, Conrad, K, Sobolewski, M, Cory-Slechta, DA: Cognitive Effects of Air Pollution Exposures and Potential Mechanistic Underpinnings. Current environmental health reports 2017, 4(2): 180-191.
Sobolewski, M, Allen, JL, Morris-Schaffer, K, Klocke, C, Conrad, K, & Cory-Slechta, DA: A novel, ecologically relevant, highly preferred, and non-invasive means of oral substance administration for rodents. Neurotoxicol Teratol 2016, 56: 75-80.
Cordova, A.C., Morris-Schaffer, K., Chrysostomou, P., and Freeman, E. Case Study Review of Subchronic-to-Chronic Study Extrapolation Uncertainty Factor Using Benchmark Dose Analysis. Poster Presentation. Society of Toxicology, Annual Meeting (Salt Lake City) & ToxExpo, 2024.
Morris-Schaffer, K., and Bolotaolo, M. Estimation of Screening No-Significant-Risk-Level and Product Exposure to 3,3ʹ,4,4ʹTetrachloroazobenzene (TCAB). Society of Toxicology, Annual Meeting (San Diego) & ToxExpo, 2022.
Kalmes, R, Krevanko, C, and Morris-Schaffer, K. Beyond Hazard Assessment for your products: Why, When, and How. Product Safety Stewardship (PSX), Annual Meeting (Anaheim) 2021.
Morris-Schaffer, K. Estimation of Screening No-Significant-Risk-Levels (NSRLs) and Product Exposure to β-myrcene and Pulegone. Poster Presentation. Society of Toxicology, Annual Meeting & ToxExpo (Virtual Event), 2021.
Morris-Schaffer, K, Bogen, K, and Gauthier, A. Evaluating Allergic Contact Dermatitis Elicitation Risk for Organic Residuals Detected in Consumer Products. Society of Toxicology, ePoster, 2020.
Morris-Schaffer, K, Merrill, A, Sobolewski, M, and Cory-Slechta, DA. Effects of Neonatal Inhalation Exposure to Ultrafine Carbon Particles and Diesel Particulate on Pathology and Behavioral Outcomes in C57Bl/6J. Poster Presentation. Genetic and Environmental Toxicology Association, Sacramento, CA, 2019.
Morris-Schaffer, K. Limited Developmental Neurotoxicity from Neonatal Exposure to Ultrafine Carbon Particles or Diesel Particulate Matter. Poster presentation, Society of Toxicology, Baltimore, MD, 2019.
Morris-Schaffer, K. Limited Developmental Neurotoxicity from Neonatal Exposure to Ultrafine Carbon Particles or Diesel Particulate Matter. Oral presentation, Northeast Regional Chapter of Society of Toxicology, Shrewsbury, MA, 2018.
Morris-Schaffer, K, Sobolewski, M, and Cory-Slechta, DA Neonatal hyperoxia followed by concentrated ambient ultrafine particle exposure leads to cumulative learning deficits in C57Bl/6J mice. Poster presentation, Society of Toxicology, San Antonio, TX, 2018.
Morris-Schaffer, K, Allen, JL, Sobolewski, M, and Cory-Slechta, DA Neurotoxicological consequences of developmental exposure to hyperoxia and air pollution: concurrent risk factors of premature birth. Poster presentation. Society of Toxicology, Baltimore, MD, 2017.
Morris-Schaffer, K, Allen, JL, Wong, C, Oberdorster, G, and Cory-Slechta, DA. Poster Presentation. Neonatal ultrafine particulate matter inhalation exposure adversely impacts white matter development. Society of Toxicology, New Orleans, LA, 2016.