
Academic Credentials
  • Ph.D., Toxicology, University of Rochester, 2019
  • M.S., Toxicology, University of Rochester, 2016
  • B.A., Psychology, SUNY Geneseo, 2014
Licenses & Certifications
  • Diplomate of the American Board of Toxicology (DABT)
  • European Registered Toxicologist
  • UK Reg of Toxicologists
Professional Honors
  • Ģtv 2021 Excellence Award
Professional Affiliations
  • National Society of Toxicology (SOT) - 2024-present Full Member
  • National Society of Toxicology (SOT) - 2019-2024 Associate Member
  • Genetic and Environmental Toxicology Association of Northern California (GETA) - Board 2020-2023

Dr. Morris-Schaffer is a board-certified global toxicologist who provides a range of regulatory toxicology and product stewardship services for clients including safety assessments for proactive product applications for chemicals and medical devices as well as for reactive matters such as regulatory data call-ins and product recalls. Dr. Morris-Schaffer specializes in weight-of-evidence evaluations in which in vitro (cell-based testing), in vivo (animal testing), and clinical data are integrated to determine how a chemical or mixture elicits its effects and at what dose. Dr. Morris-Schaffer applies multiple tools to assist with toxicological risk assessments including benchmark dose modeling (BMD), quantitative structural activity relationships (QSAR), read-across, and New Approach Methodologies (NAMs).

Dr. Morris-Schaffer has working familiarity with multiple regulatory frameworks including for medical devices (ISO 10993 and 18562), pharmaceutical impurities (ICH), pesticides (FIFRA), industrial chemicals (e.g., REACH, TSCA), consumer (FHSA, Proposition 65), and food additives (FFDCA). He has addressed complex and multi-disciplinary projects for clients including carcinogenicity, neurotoxicity, and reproductive/endocrine matters that involved both written submissions and verbal presentations to regulators. He has prepared fit-for-purpose weight of evidence analyses tailored to support stewardship, registration or re-evaluation efforts for compounds under each regulatory framework. He has also provided guidance for human health claim substantiation and occupational exposure levels including support for product labels, use directions, and Safety Data Sheets.

His research background is inhalation of ultrafine (nano) particles and their potential effects on developmental neurotoxicity, and he has provided technical guidance to clients on respiratory and neurotoxicity toxicological outcomes of environmental chemicals.