Somers S, Grayson W. Protocol for the use of a novel bioreactor system for hydrated mechanical testing, strained sterile culture, and force of contraction measurement of tissue engineered muscle constructs. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 2021; 9: 815.
Yerrabelli R, Somers S, Grayson W, Spector A. Modeling the mechanics of fibrous-porous scaffolds for skeletal muscle regeneration. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2021; 59(1): 131-142.
Gilbert-Honick J, Iyer S, Somers S, Takasuka H, Lovering R, Wagner K, Mao HQ, Grayson W. Engineering 3D skeletal muscle primed for neuromuscular regeneration following volumetric muscle loss. Biomaterials 2020; 255: 120154.
Morrissette-McAlmon J, Ginn B, Somers S, Fukunishi T, Thanitcul C, Rindone A, Hibino N, Tung L, Mao HQ, Grayson W. Biomimetic model of contractile cardiac tissue with endothelial networks stabilized by adipose-derived stromal/ stem cells. Scientific Reports 2020; 10(1): 1-12.
Guo Y, Gilbert-Honick J, Somers S, Mao HQ, Grayson W. Modified cell-electrospinning for 3D myogenesis of C2C12s in aligned fibrin microfiber bundles. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2019; 516(2): 558-564.
Somers S, Zhang N, Morrissette-McAlmon J, Tran K, Mao HQ, Grayson W. Myoblast maturity on aligned microfiber bundles at the onset of strain application impacts myogenic outcomes. Acta Biomaterialia 2019; 94: 232-242.
Gilbert-Honick J, Iyer S, Somers S, Lovering R, Wagner K, Mao HQ, Grayson W. Engineering functional and histological regeneration of vascularized skeletal muscle. Biomaterials 2018; 164: 70-79.
Yuan D, Somers S, Grayson W, Spector A. A poroelastic model of a fibrous-porous tissue engineering scaffold. Scientific Reports 2018; 8(1): 1-10.
Morrissette-McAlmon J, Blazeski A, Somers S, Kostecki G, Tung L, Grayson W. Adipose-derived perivascular mesenchymal stromal/ stem cells promote functional vascular tissue engineering for cardiac regenerative purposes. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2018; 12(2): e962-e972.
Somers S, Spector A, DiGirolamo D, Grayson W. Biophysical stimulation for engineering functional skeletal muscle. Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews 2017; 23(4): 362-372.
Cook C, Huri P, Ginn B, Gilbert-Honick J, Somers S, Temple J, Mao HQ, Grayson W. Characterization of a novel bioreactor system for 3D cellular mechanobiology studies. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2016; 113(8): 1825-1837.
Somers S*, Gilbert-Honick J*, Choi IY, Lim HT, Mao HQ, Lee G, Grayson W. Electrospun microfiber fibrin fiber bundles for maturation of hPSC-derived myoblasts towards a tissue engineered skeletal muscle construct for the treatment of VML. Oral presentation, World Biomaterials Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, 2020.
Somers S, Yuan D, Gilbert-Honick J, Mao HQ, Spector A, Grayson W. Biphasic poroelastic fibrin fiber scaffolds for stem cell differentiation. Oral presentation, World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland, 2018.
Somers S, Gilbert-Honick J, Kabir R, Grayson W. Evaluating cyclic vs static uniaxial strains for engineering functional skeletal muscle grafts. Poster Presentation, TERMIS AM, Charlotte, NC, 2017.