- Ph.D., Biology, City University of New York, 1978
- M.A., Biology, City University of New York, 1973
- B.S., Biology, Manhattan College, 1971
- 40-Hour Hazardous Waste Operation and Emergency Response Certification (HAZWOPER)
- 8-Hour HAZWOPER Managers and Supervisor Training
- Risk Practitioner Award from the Society of Risk Analysis
- Fellow of the Society of Risk Analysis
- Fellow of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Environmental health of Soils
- Champion Award for Women's Council on Energy and the Environment
- Dr. Menzie has been called upon to lead and/or participate in numerous peer-review panels and workgroups on behalf of government and industry
Dr. Menzie specializes in the application of risk assessment and causal analysis methods for evaluating the potential for effects and for diagnosing the causes of environmental harms and damages. His technical expertise includes the evaluation of the environmental fate and effects of physical, biological, and chemical stressors on terrestrial and aquatic systems.
Dr. Menzie has applied his expertise to situations involving nutrient enrichment, chemical contamination, use of pesticides and other chemical products, oil and gas operations, fossil fuel and nuclear power plants, alternative energy projects, mining, invasive species, water management, and vulnerability assessments for climate change. He has a working knowledge on how to approach these issues within the appropriate national and international policy and regulatory frameworks.
Having worked in the environmental field for close to 40 years, Dr. Menzie has had wide geographic experience. This includes all geographic regulatory jurisdictions in the United States (e.g., U.S. EPA Regions) and Canada (provinces). He has also worked in South America (Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina and Uruguay), the middle east (Yemen), the South China Sea, the Indian Ocean (Diego Garcia), and Australia. Dr. Menzie has served as the Global Executive Director of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) with provides him with a broad perspective of ecotoxicological and risk assessment matters on chemicals on a world-wide basis.
Dr. Menzie has provided his ecological and environmental expertise on issues in a diversity of environments. These include most coastal areas of the United States, major river systems of North and South America, freshwater lakes, forest ecosystems of California, rainforests of Ecuador, salt and other marshes of the east and Gulf coasts, the Atlantic outer continental shelf and slope off North America, deep water environs off Hawaii and Puerto Rico, the desert island atoll of Diego Garcia, and the Yemen desert.
Dr. Menzie has extensive experience with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), chlorinated pesticides, commercial biocides, and metals with an emphasis on lead, chromium, arsenic, cadmium, and nickel. As part of his risk assessment practice, he has developed exposure and food web models to evaluate how people and ecological receptors may be exposed to these chemicals. These include several spatially-explicit models used to refine exposure estimates. Dr. Menzie has also worked on nutrient enrichment issues related to nitrogen and phosphorus.
Charles' recent insights
Menzie, CA, Guiney PD, Belanger SE, Lee KC, Arts G, Opeolu BO, Silva de Assis HC. 2024. Incorporating a weight-of-evidence approach into a tiered assessment for chemicals management, with emphasis on program development and applications on program development and applications in developing countries and emerging economics. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. Published online 16 August 2024. https://doi.org/10.1002/ieam.4986.
Kashuba R., Menzie C., Martin, L. (2021). Risk of cardiovascular disease is driven by different combinations of environmental, medical and behavioral factors: Building a conceptual model for cumulative risk assessment. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 27, no. 7: 1902-1925.
Menzie CA, Kashuba RO, Goodfellow WL. Implications of sample size, rareness, and commonness for derivation of environmental benchmarks and criteria from field and laboratory data. Ecotoxicol Enviro Saf 2020; 190: 110 — 117.
Taylor AA, Tsuji JS, Garry MR, McArdle ME, Goodfellow WL, Adams WJ, Menzie CM. 2020. Critical review of exposure and effects: implications for setting regulatory health criteria for ingested copper. Environ Manage 65: 131 — 159.
Bridges T, Newell S, Kennedy A, Moore D, Ghosh U, Needham T, Xia H, Kim K, Menzie CA, and Kulacki K. Long-term stability and efficacy of historic activated carbon (AC) deployments at diverse freshwater and marine remediation sites. ERDC/EL TR-20-9 2020.
Sanders JP, Andrade NA, Menzie CA, Amos CB, Gilmour CC, Henry EA, Brown SS, Ghosh U. Persistent reductions in the bioavailability of PCBs at a tidally inundated Phragmites australis marsh amended with activated carbon. Env. Tox. Chem. 2018; 37: 2496-2505.
Ruby MV, Lowney YW, Bunge AL, Roberts SM, Gomez-Eyles JL, Ghosh U, Kissel JC, Tomlinson P, Menzie CA. Oral bioavailability, bioaccessibility, and dermal absorption of PAHs from soil — state of the science. Env. Sci Tech. 2016; 50: 2151-2164
Menzie CA, Amos CB, Kane-Driscoll S, Ghosh U, and Gilmour C. 2016. Evaluating the efficacy of a low-impact delivery system for in-situ treatment of sediments contaminated with methylmercury and other hydrophobic chemicals. ESTCP Project ER-200835 Final Report, February 30, 2016.
Menzie CA, Kane-Driscoll S, Thompson T. Integrating Passive Sampling Methods into Management of Contaminated Sediment Sites: A Guide for Department of Defense Remedial Project Managers 2016: ESTCP Project ER-201216
Patmont C, Ghosh U, LaRosa, P, Menzie C et al. In situ sediment treatment using activated carbon: A demonstrated sediment cleanup technology. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 2015; 11: 195-207.
Menzie C, Deardorff TL, Ma J, Edwards M. Risk factors that contribute to the occurrence of catastrophic wildfires in California. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015; 2617-2626.
Greenberg MS, Chapman PM, Allan IJ, Anderson KA, Apitz SE, Beegan C, Bridges TS, Brown SS, Cargill IV JG, McCulloch MC, Menzie CA, Shine JP, Parkerton TF. Passive sampling methods for contaminated sediments: Risk assessment and management. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 2014 April; 10(2):224-236.
Staveley J, Law S, Fairbrother A, Menzie C. A causal analysis of observed declines in managed honey bees (Apis mellifera). Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2014; 20:566-591.
Gilmour CC, Riedel GS, Riedel G, Kwon S, Landis R, Brown SS, Menzie CA, Ghosh U. Activated carbon mitigates mercury and methylmercury bioavailability in contaminated sediments. Environmental Science and Technology 2013, in press. DOI: 10.1021/es4021074.
Salatas JH, Gard NW, Wickwire TW, Menzie CA. Stressor analysis approaches for endangered species assessments. Natural Science 2013; 5:27-35.
Richkus WA Menzie CA. Application of an ecological risk assessment for evaluation of alternatives considered for restoration of oysters in Chesapeake Bay: Background and approach. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2013; 19(5):1172-1186.
Menzie CA Salatas, JH Wickwire TW. Ecological risks associated with oyster restoration options for Chesapeake Bay. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2013; 19(5):1204-1233.
Methratta ET, Menzie CA, Wickwire WT, Richkus WA. Evaluating the Risk of Establishing a Self-Sustaining Population of Non-Native Oysters Through Large-Scale Aquaculture in Chesapeake Bay. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2013; 19(5): 1234 — 1252.
Landis WG, Durda JL, Brooks ML, Chapman PM, Menzie CA, Stahl RG Jr, Stauber JL. Ecological risk assessment in the context of global climate change. J Environ Toxicol Chem 2013 Jan; 32(1):79-92. doi: 10.1002/etc.2047.
Menzie CA, Deardorff T, Booth P, Wickwire T. Refocusing on nature: Holistic assessment of ecosystem services. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2012 Jul; 8(3):401-411. doi: 10.1002/ieam.1279. Epub 2012 Jun 5.
Gard NW, Menzie CA. A causal/risk analysis framework for informing endangered species jeopardy reviews for pesticides. Chapter 11. In: Pesticide Regulation and the Endangered Species Act, ACS Symposium Series No. 1111, 2012. Published online: http://pubs.acs.org/isbn/9780841227033.
Cantor R, Menzie C. Seeing the forest through the trees: NRD and dynamic ecosystems. ABA Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Committee Newsletter Winter 2012.
Deardorff TL, Menzie C, Pryke D. Uruguay's Orion Mill wins landmark environmental case before the World Court. Paper 360° 2011; 40-42.
Menzie CA, Cantor R, Boehm P. Business planning for climate change: Identifying vulnerabilities and planning for changes in water, temperature, sea level, natural resources, health effects, and extreme events. Environmental Claims Journal 2011; 23(3-4):190-198.
Gard N, Fairbrother A, Menzie C. A causal analysis framework for informing endangered species jeopardy reviews. ACS Meeting, Denver, CO, 2011.
Ghosh U, Luthy RG, Cornelissen G, Werner D, Menzie CA. In-situ sorbent amendments: A new direction in contaminated sediment management. Environmental Science and Technology 2011; 45:1163-1168.
Kane Driscoll SB, McArdle ME, Menzie CA, Reiss M, Steevens JA. A framework for using dose as a metric to assess toxicity of fish to PAHs. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2010; 73:486-490.
Wenning RJ, Finger SE, Guilhermino L, Helm RC, Hooper MJ, Landis WG, Menzie CA, Munns Jr, WR, Römbke J, Stahl Jr., RG. Global climate change and environmental contaminants: A SETAC call for research. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 2010; 6(2):197-198.
Wickwire T, Menzie CA. The causal analysis framework: Refining approaches and expanding multidisciplinary applications. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2010; 16(1).
Menzie CA, Ziccardi LM, Lowney YW, Fairbrother A, Shock SS, Tsuji JS, Hamai D, Proctor D, Henry E, Su SH, Kierski MW, McArdle ME, Yost LJ. Importance of considering the framework principles in risk assessment for metals. Environmental Science and Technology 2009; 43(22):8478-8482.
Kane Driscoll SB, Amos CB, McArdle ME, Menzie CA, Coleman A. Predicting sediment toxicity at former manufactured gas plants using equilibrium partitioning benchmarks for PAH Mixtures. Soil & Sediment Contamination 2009; 18(3):307-319.
Menzie CA, Southworth B, Stephenson G, Feisthauer N. The importance of understanding the chemical form of a metal in the environment: The case of barium sulfate (barite). Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2008; 14(5):974-991.
Menzie CA, Coleman AJ. Debate & commentary. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments: An overview of risk-related issues. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2007; 13(2):269-275.
Menzie CA, MacDonell MM, Mumtaz M. A phased approach for assessing combined effects from multiple stressors. Environmental Health Perspectives 2007; 115(5):807-816.
Johnson, MS, Wickwire WT, Quinn MJ, Ziolkowski DJ, Burmistrov D, Menzie CA, Geraghty C, Minnich M, Parsons PJ. Are songbirds at risk from lead at small arms ranges? An application of the Spatially Explicit Exposure Model (SEEM). Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 2007; 26(10):2215-2225.
Magar VS, Wenning RJ, Menzie C, Apitz SE. Parsing ecological impacts in watersheds. Journal of Environmental Engineering 2006; 132(1):1-3.
Menzie CA, Lacey R. Ecological risk assessment in a new millennium: Where are we going? Risk Policy Report 2002; 9(3):36-38.
von Stackelberg K, Menzie C. A cautionary note on the use of species presence and absence data in deriving sediment quality criteria. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 2002; 21(2):466-472.
Menzie CA, Hoeppner SS, Cura JJ, Freshman JS, LaFrey EN. Urban and suburban storm water runoff as a source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to Massachusetts estuarine and coastal environments. Estuaries 2002; 25(2):165-176.
Shatkin JA, Wagle M, Kent S, Menzie CA. Development of a biokinetic model to evaluate dermal absorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from soil. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2002; 8(4):713-734.
Menzie CA. Hormesis in ecological risk assessment: A useful concept, a confusing term, and/or a distraction? Belle Newsletter 2001; 10(1):17-20.
Menzie CA, Wickwire WT. Defining populations: A key step in identifying spatial and temporal scales. Toxicology & Industrial Health 2001; 17:223-229.
Menzie CA, Burke AM, Grasso D, Harnois M, Magee B, McDonald D, Montgomery C, Nichols A, Pignatello J, Price B, Price R, Rose J, Shatkin J, Smets B, Smith J, and Svirsky S. An approach for incorporating information on chemical availability in soils into risk assessment and risk-based decision making. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2000; 6(3):479-510.
Menzie CA. Applying risk-based solutions — the importance of communication. Journal of Environmental Engineering 1999; 35(4):20-22.
Menzie CA. Risk communication and careful listening — resolving alternative world views. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 1998; 4(3):619-622.
Charles JC, Menzie CA. Identifying Southeast Asian immigrant populations in Massachusetts at risk from eating contaminated shellfish. Journal of Environmental Management 1998; 52:161-171.
Menzie CA. Implementing risk management at manufactured gas plant sites. Soil Groundwater Cleanup 1997 Aug/Sept; 12-18.
Menzie CA, Freshman JS. An assessment of the risk assessment paradigm for ecological risk assessment. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 1997; 3(5):853-892.
Freshman JS, Menzie CA. Two wildlife exposure models to assess impacts at the individual and population levels and the efficacy of remedial actions. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 1996; 2(3):481-496.
Menzie CA, Henning MH, Cura J, Finkelstein K, Gentile J, Maughan J, Mitchell D, Petron S, Potocki B, Svirsky S, Tyler P. Special report of the Massachusetts weight-of-evidence workgroup: A weight-of-evidence approach for evaluating ecological risks. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 1996; 2(2):277-304.
Menzie CA. The question is essential for ecological risk assessment. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 1995; 1(3):159-162.
Menzie CA, Potocki B, Santodonato J. Exposure to carcinogenic PAHs in the environment. Environmental Science and Technology 1992; 26(7):1278-1284.
Menzie CA, Burmaster DE, Freshman JS, Callahan CA. Assessment of methods for estimating ecological risk in the terrestrial component: A case study at the Baird & McGuire Superfund Site in Holbrook, Massachusetts. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 1992; 11:245-260.
Callahan CA, Menzie CA, Burmaster DE, Wilborn DC, Ernst T. On-site methods for assessing chemical impact on the soil environment using earthworms: A case study at the Baird & McGuire Superfund Site, Holbrook, MA. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 1991; 10(6):817-826.
Burmaster DE, Menzie CA, Freshman JS, Burris JA, Maxwell NI, Drew SR. Assessment of methods for estimating aquatic hazards at Superfund-type sites: A cautionary tale. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 1991; 10(6):827-842.
Menzie CA. Diminishment of recruitment: A hypothesis concerning impacts on marine benthic communities. Marine Pollution Bulletin 1984; 15:127 129.
Menzie CA. Environmental concerns related to offshore oil and gas activities: Muddy issues. Oceanus 1983; 26:32-38.
Menzie CA. Contamination control can be cost effective. Industry Magazine 1982 Aug; 19-22.
Menzie CA. The environmental implications of offshore oil and gas activities: An overview of the effects of routine discharges based on the American experience. Environmental Science and Technology 1982; 16(8):454A-472A.
Maurer D, Leathem W, Menzie CA. Macrobenthic invertebrates from the Mid-Atlantic continental shelf. Int Rev der Ges Hydrobiol 1982; 67(4):491 515.
Menzie CA, Cura JJ, Skinner WF. Thermal impact evaluation for Brunner Island Steam Electric Station: Toward a more realistic assessment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 1982; 2:301 308.
Menzie CA. Production ecology of Cricotopus sylvestris Fabricius (Diptera: Chironomidae) in a shallow estuarine area. Limnology and Oceanography 1981; 26(3):467 481.
Mauer D, Leathem W, Menzie CA. The impact of drilling fluids and well cuttings on polychaete feeding guilds from the U.S. northeastern continental shelf. Marine Pollution Bulletin 1981; 12(10):234 347.
Menzie C, Mariani G, Ryther, Jr. J. Seafloor mapping system applied to biological, environmental surveys. Sea Technology 1981; 22(2):15 16.
Menzie CA. The potential significance of insects in the removal of contaminants from aquatic systems. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 1980; 13:473 479.
Menzie CA. A note on the Hynes method of estimating secondary production. Limnology and Oceanography 1980; 25(4):770-773.
Menzie CA. The chironomid (Insecta: Diptera) and other fauna of a Myriophyllum spicatum L. plant bed in the lower Hudson River. Estuaries 1980; 3(1):38 54.
Menzie CA. An approach to estimating probabilities of transportation related spills of hazardous materials. Environmental Science and Technology 1979; 13(2):224 228.
Menzie CA. Growth of the aquatic plant Myriophyllum spicatum in a littoral area of the Hudson River Estuary. Aquatic Botany 1979; 6:365 375.
Mulligan HF, Menzie CA. How to prepare environmental reports for drilling on the OCS (outer continental shelf). Oil and Gas Journal 1978; 86-87.
Books and Book Chapters
Menzie CA, Horr T, Kashuba R,. Kierski MW, Kulacki KJ, McArdle ME, Ryan SF, and Taylor AA. 2024. Emerging Frameworks and Tools for Environmental Risk Assessment. Chapter 26 In: Paustenbach DJ (Ed.). Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: Theory and Practice - Set, 3rd Edition. Pp 977-1007.
Menzie CA, Kierski MW, Goodfellow W, and Kashuba R. 2024. Tiered Environmental Causal Analysis. Chapter 27 In: Paustenbach DJ (Ed.). Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: Theory and Practice - Set, 3rd Edition. Pp 1009.
Menzie C, Kane Driscoll SB, Kierski M, Morrison AM. Advances in Risk Assessment in Support of Sediment Risk Management. pp. 107-130. In: Processes, Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments. Reible DD (ed), SERDP ESTCP Environmental Remediation Technology, Vol. 6, 2014.
Welt M, Anderson EL, Menzie CA. Changing perspectives on chemical product risks. Chapter 9. In: Product Liability. RA Cantor (ed), Published through the American Bar Association, 2010.
Menzie CA, Booth P, Law SA, von Stackelberg K. Use of decision support systems to address contaminated coastal sediments: Experience in the United States. In: Decision Support Systems for Risk-Based Management of Contaminated Sites. Marcomini A, Suter II GW, Critto A (eds), Springer Verlag, 2009.
Menzie C, Bettinger N, Fritz A, Kaputska L, Regan H, Moller V, Noel H. Population protection goals. In: Population-Level Ecological Risk Assessment. Barnthouse et al (eds), Society of Toxicology and Chemistry, Taylor and Francis, 2007.
Bridges TS, Berry WJ, Della Salla S, Dorn PB, Ells SJ, Gries TH, Ireland DS, Maher EM, Menzie CA, Porebski LM, Stronkhorst J. A framework for assessing and managing risks from contaminated sediments. Chapter 6. In: Use of Sediment Quality Guidelines and Related Tools for the Assessment of Contaminated Sediments. Wenning RJ, Batley GE, Ingersoll CG, Moore DW (eds), Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), 2005.
Lanno R, Menzie CA. Risk assessment of cyanide in water and soil. Chapter 17. In: Cyanide in Water and Soil: Chemistry, Risk, and Management. Dzombak DA, Ghosh RS, Wong-Chong GM (eds), CRC Press/Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL, 2005.
Wickwire WT, Menzie CA, Burmistrov D, Hope BK. Incorporating spatial data into ecological risk assessments: The Spatially Explicit Exposure Module (SEEM) for ARAMS. In: Landscape Ecology and Wildlife Habitat Evaluation: Critical Information for Ecological Risk Assessment, Land-Use Management Activities, and Biodiversity Enhancement Practices. ASTM STP 1458. Kapustka LA, Galbraith H, Luxon M, Biddinger GR (eds). ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2004.
Menzie CA, Efroymson RA, Ells SJ, Henningsen GM, Hope BK. Risk assessment and risk management. Chapter 2. In: Pellston Workshop on Contaminated Soils: From Soil-Chemical Interactions to Ecosystems Management. Lanno RP (ed), SETAC Publications. Pensacola, FL, 2003.
National Research Council. Bioavailability of contaminants in soils and sediments: Processes, tools, and applications. Prepared by Committee on Bioavailability of Contaminants in Soils and Sediments (CA Menzie member). The National Academies Press, Washington D.C., 2003.
Menzie CA. The evolution of ecological risk assessment during the 1990s: Challenges and opportunities. Chapter 16. pp. 281-299. In: Environmental Analysis of Contaminated Sites. Sunahara GI, Renoux AY, Thellen C, Gaudet C, Pilon A (eds), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2002.
Gaudet CL, Menzie CA, Ouellet S. Risk-based assessment of soil contamination: Generic versus site-specific approaches. Chapter 12. pp. 203-219. In: Environmental Analysis of Contaminated Sites. Sunahara GI, Renoux AY, Thellen C, Gaudet C, Pilon A (eds), John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2002.
Cura, JJ, Kane Driscoll SB, Lacey R, McArdle M, Menzie CA. Assessing ecological risks of PAH-contaminated sediments. In: Sediments Guidance Compendium. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Palo Alto, CA, 2001.
Menzie CA, Heiger-Bernays WJ, Montgomery CR, Linz DG, Nakles DV. Development of an ecological risk assessment framework based on contaminant availability. In: Ecotox — Environmental Contaminants through the Macroscope. Wuerz Publishing Ltd., Winnipeg, MB, Canada, 1996.
Menzie CA. Perspectives on sediment risk analysis for hazardous waste sites. Proceedings, 22nd Pellston Conference Workshop, Sediment Risk Assessment. SETAC Special Publication, Pacific Grove, 1996, April 23-28, 1995.
Menzie CA. Work group summary report for site clean-up decisions. Chapter 6. Proceedings, 22nd Pellston Conference Workshop, Sediment Risk Assessment, SETAC Special Publication, Pacific Grove, 1995, April 23-28, 1995.
Cura JJ, Mariani G, Ketchum C, Gillmor R, Menzie C, Curtis W, Tuholke B. Site-selection criteria for deep ocean disposal of low-level radioactive wastes. Volume 3, Marine Waste Management: Science and Policy. pp. 177-185. In: Oceanic Processes in Marine Pollution. Champ M, Park K (eds), Kreiger Publishing Co., Melbourne, FL, 1989.
Menzie CA, Cura J, Gillmor R, Magnell B, Mariani G, Bartholomew T, Gardner W, Smith W. The optimum mix of pollution-monitoring platforms: Deepwater Dumpsite 106 Case Study. Volume 3 Marine Waste Management: Science and Policy. pp. 260-276. In: Oceanic Processes in Marine Pollution. Champ M, Park K (eds), Kreiger Publishing Co., Melbourne, FL, 1989.
Nocito JA, Walker HA, Paul JF, Menzie CA. Application of a risk assessment framework for marine disposal of sewage sludge at mid-shelf and off-shelf sites. Proceedings, 11th ASTM Symposium by American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, 1986
Gillmor RB, Menzie CA, Mariani GM, Levin D, Ayers RC, Sauer TC. . Effects of exploratory drilling discharges on the benthos. Volume 4, Energy Wastes in the Ocean. pp. 244-257. In: Wastes in the Ocean. Duedall IW, Kester DR, Park PK (eds), Wiley Interscience Publications, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1985.
Robson DS, Menzie CA, Mulligan HF. An environmental monitoring study to assess the impact of drilling discharges in the Mid-Atlantic. II. An experimental design and statistical methods to evaluate impacts on the benthic environment. In: Research of Environmental Fate and Effects of Drilling Fluids and Cuttings, 1980.
Menzie CA, Maurer D, Leathem W. An environmental monitoring study to assess the impact of drilling discharges in the Mid-Atlantic. IV. The effects of drilling discharges on the benthic community. In: Research of Environmental Fate and Effects of Drilling Fluids and Cuttings, 1980.
Proceedings, Conferences, and Symposia
Menzie, Morrison AM, Kleven M, Deines A, Yu Q, Duncan B, Ryan S. 2023. An Integrated Approach to Cumulative Impact Assessment in Support of Projects and Actions within Delineated Environmental Justice Areas. Presented at SETAC North America 44th Annual Meeting. 12-16 November 2023. Louisville, KY
Menzie C, William P, Cantor R, Cox T, Wenning R, Landis W, Reiss R, Goodfellow W. Joint SRA/SETAC Roundtable: Scientific Integrity in Publications. Society of Risk Analysis, Arlington, VA. December 2015.
Goodfellow WL, Menzie C, Koshuba R. Expressing total dissolved solids toxicity as conductivity or individual ions? SETAC 36th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2015.
Goodfellow WL, Menzie C, Masure-Slowey Y. Is manure a RCRA Solid Waste? SETAC 36th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2015.
Kashuba R, Menzie C, Cerreto K, Palmquist K, Kessel C. Challenges in deriving causal relationships from field observational data: A case study in West Virginia headwaters. Presented at the Session: Bayesian Networks and Other Probabilistic Methods Applied to Ecological Risk, at the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) 2014 Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, December 10, 2014.
Kashuba R, Cerreto K, Palmquist K, Kessel C, Menzie C. Cautions for deriving causal relationships and water quality benchmarks from field observational data: A case study in West Virginia headwaters. Presented at the Session: Assessing Contaminant Effects in Multi-stress Ecosystems, at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North America 35th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, November 9-13 2014.
Menzie C, Fairbrother A. Employing weight-of-evidence approaches: a journey from Massachusetts to British Colombia. Platform presentation, SETAC North America 34th Annual Meeting, Nashville TN, November, 2013.
Semenova S, Deardorff T, Menzie C. Environmental damages associated with wildland fires. Platform presentation TP197, SETAC North America 34th Annual Meeting, Nashville TN, November, 2013.
Driscoll S, Menzie C, Ghosh U, et al. Sediment bioavailability initiative: Development of standard methods for the use of passive samplers in management of contaminated sediment. Poster presentation WP143, SETAC North America 34th Annual Meeting, Nashville TN, November, 2013.
Andrade N, Sanders J, Menzie C, et al. 2013. Pilot-scale demonstration of reduced PCB bioavailability with activated carbon amendments in a Phragmites marsh. Platform presentation, SETAC North America 34th Annual Meeting, Nashville TN, November, 2013.
Staveley J, Law S, Menzie C, Fairbrother A . A causal analysis of observed declines in managed honey bees. Platform presentation, SETAC North America 34th Annual Meeting, Nashville TN, November, 2013.
Patmont C, Ghosh U, Menzie C, LaRosa P, Quadrini J, Cornelissen G, Collins J, Hjartland T. In situ sediment immobilization treatment: A demonstrated sediment cleanup technology. 7th Battelle Sediment Management Conference, Dallas, TX, February 7, 2013.
Menzie C, Deardorff T, Ma J, Edwards M. California's catastrophic wildland fires: Increasing the risks of burning hotter, faster, and higher. Poster presentation, SETAC North America 33rd Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November 11-15, 2012.
Menzie C, Ziccardi L, Lowney Y. Examining the fate and effects of vanadium in light of the USEPA Framework for Metals Risk Assessment. Poster presentation, SETAC North America 33rd Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November 11-15, 2012.
Menzie C, Kashuba R. A conceptual model for cumulative risk analysis using CVD as an example. Presented at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Methods Workshop to Integrate Chemical and Non-Chemical Stressors in Cumulative Risk Assessment (CRA): Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), EPA Laboratories. Research Triangle Park, NC, November 26-27, 2012.
Menzie CA, Ghosh U. Monitoring the efficacy and potential environmental effects of in situ remediation. Platform presentation, SETAC North America 32nd Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 13-17, 2011.
Kierski M, Morrison AM, Kane Driscoll S, Menzie CA. A multi-site model to estimate the toxicity of PAH-contaminated sediments at mgp sites. Platform presentation, SETAC North America 32nd Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 13-17, 2011.
Morrison AM, Kane Driscoll S, McArdle M, Menzie CA. Integrated environmental benefit analysis of sediment remediation thresholds. Platform presentation, SETAC North America 32nd Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 13-17, 2011.
McArdle M, Fairbrother A, Kane Driscoll S, Menzie C. Guidance for a weight-of-evidence approach to ecological risk assessments in British Columbia. Poster presentation, SETAC North America 32nd Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 13-17, 2011.
Wickwire T, Menzie C, Cantor R. Multi-disciplinary and multi-scale climate change vulnerability assessment and response. Poster presentation, SETAC North America 32nd Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 13-17, 2011.
Deardorff T, Menzie C, Ma J, Salatas J, Wickwire T, McArdle M, Pryke D. The first international environmental decision by The World Court on paper mill impacts. Poster presentation, SETAC North America 32nd Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 13-17, 2011.
Menzie C, Deardorff. Considerations for assessing the status of ecosystem services following the 2007 Grass Valley Wildland Fire: Thinking historically. Poster presentation, SETAC North America 32nd Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 13-17, 2011.
Menzie CA, Luthy R. Contaminated sediments: New tools and approaches for in-situ remediation - Session III. Sponsored by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Superfund Research Program, January 19, 2011. Presentation recorded and available through NIEHS, at http://www.clu-in.org/conf/tio/sediments3_011911/.
Menzie C, Cantor R, Boehm P, Bailey JR. An approach to business vulnerability and risk assessments related to climate change. Paper presented at the Society of Petroleum Engineers International Conference on Health, Safety and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 12-14, 2010.
Menzie CA. Perspectives on the application of ecological services. Presented at SETAC North America Meeting, Abstract 693, Portland OR, November 2010.
Fairbrother A, Menzie C. Integrated exposure analysis for human health and ecological risks at contaminated site. Presented at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Conference, Portland, OR, November 2010.
Menzie CA. Health and environmental risks of CO2 sequestration in geological formations. Special Lecture at Lehigh University, March 4, 2010.
O'Reilly KT, Menzie CA. Endangered Species: Chemicals, places, and climate change. ABA Environmental Law Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, March 18-20, 2010.
Menzie CA, Booth P, Saba T. PCB Update: What's new, what you need to know, and why. Ä¢¹½tv Webinar, March 31, 2010. Available at www.exponent.com/webinars.
Menzie CA. Ecological implications of biofuels for the Chesapeake Bay Region. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, Baltimore MD, March 15-19, 2009.
Menzie C, Henry B, Bigham G. Managing Contaminated Sediments: A Fresh Look. Ä¢¹½tv Webinar March 3, 2009. Available at: www.exponent.com/webinars.
Menzie CA. Combining engineering and biology in a low-impact in-situ treatment and capping for sediments: applications to sites contaminated with PAHs, PCBs, and mercury. RemTec Summit, March 3-5, 2009.
Cantor R, Menzie C. Vulnerabilities and risk exposures from climate and related changes. American Bar Association 38th Annual Conference on Environmental Law, Keystone C, March 12-15, 2009.
Menzie C, Kierski M. Begin with a vision: Integrating assessment, remediation, and NEBA within management goals. 30th Annual Meeting, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, New Orleans, LA, November 2009.
Kane Driscoll S, McArdle M, Menzie C. Assessing risk of metals in sediment: Experience in applying the weight-of-evidence approach to aquatic sites contaminated with heavy metals. Sediment Management Work Group Spring Sponsor Forum, Kalamazoo, MI, April 29−30, 2008.
Kane Driscoll SB, Amos CB, McArdle ME, Menzie CA, Coleman AJ. Use of site-specific equilibrium partitioning benchmarks for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures to predict the toxicity of sediment at former manufactured gas plants. 28th Annual Meeting of SETAC North America, , Milwaukee, WI, November 11-15, 2007.
Kierski M, Menzie C, Carroll C. Dinitrotoluene and Di-n-buytlphthalate exposure and effects evaluation for birds at Badger Army Ammunition Plant. 28th Annual Meeting of SETAC North America, Milwaukee, WI, November 11-15, 2007.
Kierski M, Menzie C, Ferguson E. Soil lead risk for grit ingesting birds: A simple methodology to estimate the number of grit size lead particles in soils and sediment. 28th Annual Meeting of SETAC North America, Milwaukee, WI, November 11-15, 2007.
Wickwire WT, Menzie CA, Burmistrov D. Enhancing the realism of wildlife exposure modeling: An introduction and demonstration of the Spatially Explicit Exposure Model (SEEM). In: An Introduction to the Terrestrial Wildlife Exposure Model (TWEM) and the Spatially Explicit Exposure Model (SEEM). Johnson MJ, Sample BE, Wickwire WT, and Kapustka LA (eds.). SETAC 2004 Short Course Instructor. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 4th World Congress and 25th Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, November 14-18, 2004.
Wickwire WT, Menzie CA, Burmistrov D, Johnson MS. Applying a spatially explicit wildlife exposure model to improve remedial efficiency: The SEEM case study (Abstract/Poster Presentation). Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments and Water, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, October 18-21, 2004.
Kane Driscoll SB, McArdle ME, Menzie CA, Coleman A. Application of sediment quality guidelines of PAHs to manufactured gas plant sites. Presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of SETAC North America, Salt Lake City, UT, November 16-20, 2002.
Menzie CA, Cura JJ, Kane-Driscoll S, Lacey R, McArdle M. Assessing ecological risks of PAH-contaminated sediments. Proceedings, International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, Venice, Italy, October 10-12, 2001. Battelle Press, Columbus, OH.
Cura JJ, Menzie C. Methodologies for ecological risk assessment: the overall process and recent advances. Conference Workshop #12 - Ecological Risk Assessment: Why and How — An Important Tool in Environmental Decision Making. Presented at the Water Environment Federation 69th Annual Conference & Exposition, Dallas, TX, October 5-9, 1996.
Menzie CA. Problems in ecological assessment related to contaminated site management. pp. 26-27. Proceedings, NRC-CNRC Workshop, Toxicity Testing Applied to Soil Ecotoxicology. NRC's Biotechnology Research Institute in collaboration with Environment Canada and the Quebec Ministry of Environment and Wildlife, Montreal, Quebec, November 28-29, 1995.
von Stackelberg K, Menzie CA, Cura JJ. Risk assessment: Helping to focus risk management objectives for MGP sites. Land Contam Reclam (Special issue) 3(4):24 29. Presented at the International Symposium and Trade Fair on the Clean up of Manufactured Gas Plants, Prague, Czech Republic, September 19 21, 1995.
Menzie CA, Cura JJ. Environmental evaluations at hazardous waste sites. pp. 77-84. Proceedings, HMC-Northeast '91 Conference, Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute, Boston, MA, July 10-12, 1991.
Menzie CA, Cura J. Loadings of pollutants in Massachusetts Bay. Presented at U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Conference on Estuaries, Sarasota, FL, February 24-26, 1991.
Burmaster DE, Thompson KM, Menzie CA, Crouch E, McKone T. Monte Carlo techniques for quantitative uncertainty analysis in public health risk assessment. pp. 215-21. Proceedings, 1990 Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute Conference, New Orleans, LA, 1990.
Menzie CA. Application of Connecticut's aquatic toxicity program. Panel discussion and presentation to the 2nd Annual Workshop of the Connecticut Forum of Regulated Environmental Professionals, New Haven, CT, June 2, 1988.
Menzie CA. The use — and possible misuse — of risk assessment as part of overall site management. Presented at the 2nd Hazardous Waste Superfund Conference in San Francisco and Washington, DC, 1988.
Menzie CA, Burmaster DE. Overview of soil clean up levels and risk based decision making. Presented at the HazMat '88 Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, June 14-16, 1988.
Menzie CA, Burmaster DE. Evaluation of environmental risk assessment methods. Presented at the 9th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Arlington, VA, November 13-17, 1988.
Burmaster DE, Murphy B, Gushue J, Menzie CA. A risk assessment for the Baird & McGuire Superfund Site. Presented at the Hazardous Materials International Conference, Washington, DC, 1987.
Menzie CA, Cura JJ, Gillmor R, Mariani G, Wilson S. Research needs related to ocean disposal. Presented at the Ocean Waste Management Conference at the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, May 1983.
Menzie CA, Ryther, Jr. J, Boyer LF, Germano JD, Rhoads DC. Remote methods of mapping seafloor topography, sediment type, bedforms, and benthic biology. pp. 1046 1051. In: Oceans '82 Conference Record, IEEE Publication Number 82CH1827 5, Piscataway, NJ, IEEE Service Center, 1982.
Gillmor, RB, Menzie CA, Ryther, Jr. J. Side-scan sonar and T.V. observations of the benthic environment and megabenthos in the vicinity of an OCS exploratory well in the Middle Atlantic Bight. In: Oceans '81 Conference Record. IEEE Publication No. 81CH1685 7, Piscataway, NJ, IEEE Service Center, 1981.
Menzie CA, Ryther, Jr. J. Diego Garcia (Indian Ocean): An Atoll estuary. Presented at the New England Estuarine Research Society at the University of Rhode Island, Spring Session, Kingston, RI, 1980.
Menzie CA, Frye D, Hazelwood RN. OTEC 1 environmental monitoring program. In: Proc. 7th Ocean Energy Conference, Washington, DC, June 1980.
Mulligan HF, Menzie CA. Phytoplankton as tracers of water masses on and around Georges Bank. Presented at the Second Informal Workshop on the Gulf of Maine and Scotian Shelf, May, Dalhousie, Nova Scotia, 1979.
Menzie CA, et al. The environmental impact of the Clean Water Act on the Hudson River Estuary. Presented at the 4th Hudson River Environmental Symposium, 1976.
Menzie CA, Hyman R, Woodward B. Investigations of the chironomid fauna of Haverstraw Bay. Presented at the 4th Hudson River Environmental Symposium, 1976.
Menzie CA, Logan D, Matousek J. 1976. Benthic investigations in the Hudson River Estuary. 1972 1974. Presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Madison, WI, 1976.
Principal and President, Menzie-Cura & Associates, Inc., 1983-2006
Manager of Environmental Services Department, EG&G Environmental Consultants, 1976-1983
Lecturer, Boston University and University of Lowell, 1978-1993
U.S. Patent # 7,824,129: A Low-Impact Delivery System for In-Situ Treatment of Contaminated Sediment.