- M.S., Pharmacology and Toxicology, Duquesne University, 1998
- B.S., Microbiology, University of Pittsburgh, 1994
- ToxForum, 2021-present
- Allegheny-Erie Society of Toxicology (AESOT), 1995-2004; 2010-present. President-Elect 2022
- National Society of Toxicology (SOT), 2005 - present Full Member, 1999-2005 Associate Member, 1996 Student Member. Risk Assessment Specialty Section Member 2010-present. Regulatory Specialty Section 2010-present.
- American College of Toxicology (ACT), 2005-2009, 1999-2002 Associate Member, 1996 Student Member
- Crop Life America Human Health and Risk Assessment Committee (HARC, HHRAC), 2005-2008; 2011-present
- Allegheny-Erie Society of Toxicology (AESOT), 1995-2004; 2010-present. Executive Committee 2003, Counselor 2011-present. Awards Chairperson 2003, Education Committee 1998-2002, Communication Committee 1999-2001
- International Society for Regulatory Pharmacology and Toxicology (ISRTP). 2011-present; Counselor 2015-2016; Treasurer 2016-present
- American Chemistry Council (ACC) Regulatory Advocacy Information Network (RAIN), 2008-2010
- Society for Chemical Hazard Communication (SCHC), 1995-2000; 2008-present; Assistant Chair Professional Development Committee 2010-present
- Formaldehyde Council (FCI) and FormaCare, 2008-2010
- Vinyl Acetate Council, 2008-2010
- Executive Committee 2003, Counselor 2011-present. Awards Chairperson 2003, Education Committee 1998-2002, Communication Committee 1999-2001
- Society for Chemical Hazard Communication (SCHC), 1995-2000; 2008-2019; Assistant Chair Professional Development Committee 2010-2019
Ms. Freeman is a Board Certified Toxicologist (DABT) with over 20 years of experience in regulatory toxicology in the fields of pesticides, industrial chemicals, veterinary medicines, consumer products, and food safety. She has a comprehensive knowledge of toxicological requirements as well as a thorough understanding of the nuances of toxicological testing requirements for specific regulations.
Ms. Freeman is adept at project management and working with clients and regulators to develop strategic approaches to addressing human health concerns. She prepares chemical specific adjustment factor and human relevance frameworks for mode of action submissions. Ms. Freeman also prepares maximum tolerated dose assessments, has expertise in dermal absorption testing, and calculation of human dermal absorption factors and refined dermal equivalent doses, chemical hazard and risk prioritization systems for the oil and gas industry, consumer products and industrial chemicals. She monitors toxicological testing programs, conducts laboratory audits, prepares data evaluation reports and OECD study summaries.
Ms. Freeman prepares waivers from toxicological testing requirements for pesticides based on toxicology, structurally similar compounds and risk evaluations. She has experience with EPA's Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program including the submission of other scientifically relevant information (OSRI), study design and monitoring, weight of the evidence (WOE) evaluations, human risk evaluations, thyroid-specific mode of action testing and assessment, as well as ToxCast and EDSP21 evaluations. She conducts and evaluates QSAR assessments for new product development, re-registration, and impurity and metabolite of concern assessments.
Ms. Freeman has expertise in the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) compliance including new chemical notifications (PMNs and LVEs), chemical reporting, regulatory interpretation, and training. She also has expertise in classification under the U.N.'s Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for Classification and Labeling as well as North American Hazard Communication regulations. She has experience with import tolerances, due diligence assessments, data compensation projects, and data gap analyses for pesticides active ingredients and inerts.
In her previous capacities, Ms. Freeman held positions in toxicology and product stewardship, was responsible for the full lifecycle of toxicology for pesticide and industrial chemicals in the US, Canada, and EU including registrations, re-registrations, tolerance petitions, waivers, testing orders, JMPR submissions, position papers and authoritative body representation.